Golden Crepes w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGolden Crepes



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262, West 15th Street, 10011, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-929-0816
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7401296, Longitude: -74.0018482

komentarze 5

  • Roman Bediner

    Roman Bediner


    A hidden gem off the beaten path. Far better option than the shop in the market. Tip: substitutions or custom orders are totally welcome. Great staff, cozy space, wine, fair prices, great/fresh food .. What else can you ask for.

  • Francois Jeulin

    Francois Jeulin


    Decent crepes by a French standard for a decent price (I had an egg/ham/gruyere). Staff is nice, atmosphere cozzy.

  • Gwen Inman

    Gwen Inman


    Not what I expect from a creperie. I had both the Ham, Egg, and Cheese crepe and the Nutella Strawberry crepe. The crepes themselves were a little thicker than I would have liked and not evenly cooked, the edges being rather dry and crewie. For the Ham, Egg and Cheese crepe, the first issue was that it was runny. Instead of a scrambled egg normally found in crepes, this dish had a fried egg, which made the whole dish more liquidy that I would have liked. The Nutella and Strawberry crepe was fine except for the aforementioned chewiness. As far as service goes I would not give a glowing review. Even though there were very few customers in the seating area, it took a very long time for my friend and I to receive our food. The staff definitely gave off the vibe that they cared more about the online and take out orders than the customers in the store.

  • ru

    s yu


    Пожалуй, лучшие крепсы на манхетане!

  • Corrie Davidson

    Corrie Davidson


    Savory and sweet crepes share a menu with paninis and fresh juices at this tiny, 12-seat cafe and "wine bar." Prices are fair, especially considering how good the food is. Fresh ingredients and classic combos make it hard not to ask for one of each. Def worth repeat visits; nice staff is a bonus.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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