Golden Chick w Grand Prairie

Stany ZjednoczoneGolden Chick



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5010, S Hwy 360, 75052, Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 214-235-0096
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6513658, Longitude: -97.0606742

komentarze 5

  • en

    Truth Teller


    Employee seemed disengaged. Got my son's order wrong as well

  • en

    gougly mougly


    Over cooked girls at counter needs to learn how to speak and act correctly. Ice cream machine not working.

  • en

    Patina Jackson


    A bunch of children work here. Asked me to pull around because my Wicked Wings were still cooking. I was on the phone and realized that I had been waiting for nearly 15 minutes! He told me that it would take 5 minutes. I went back through the drive-through and they had no idea about my order. The kid who took my order had left and didn't tell anyone that I was waiting for my food!! The girl did apologise and gave me some extra wings. That's the only reason why I didn't rate them with a 1

  • en



    I arrived at 7:45 for dine in on Sunday two weeks ago, ordered the roasted chicken meal. Expected a breast and wing as what was printed on the menu board. Received a thigh and leg, I like dark meat too so accepted what I got. The spice rub they use was too salty (I like salt), so I removed the skin which I would've eaten. As I was dining it was shortly after 8, a girl began sweeping, not much of a problem but when she started mopping around me while putting all the chairs on tables I felt uncomfortable. I felt boxed in at the front window. I finally asked her when the inside closed, her reply was 9 pm. There is no way anyone would have dined in due to nowhere to sit. When I left at 8:40 they locked the door behind me. Chairs still on tables. If you're door says your open to 9 keep the dine-in and ordering lobby open till then. Also all employees were focused on their cell phones from the time I entered/ordered until I left.

  • T. Norton

    T. Norton


    Don't go through the drive thru unless you have about 45 minutes to spare. This was the slowest service I have ever experienced. I was late returning to work and did not even get a chance to really eat because I had a meeting.

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