Golden Age Fretted Instruments i Westfield

Forenede StaterGolden Age Fretted Instruments



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266, East Broad Street, 07090, Westfield, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 908-301-0001
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Latitude: 40.6528243, Longitude: -74.3469477

kommentar 5

  • Tom Catuosco

    Tom Catuosco


    Great selection of quality guitars. The owner is helpful and lets you try out try out any guitar without hovering or pushing for a sale. Great store.

  • en

    Don Clasen


    Great guitars. No pressure. Browse around and play a few. New guitars, lots of used and vintage as well.

  • en

    Michael Risberg


    A true guitar store. Great and unique selection. Anywhere from new boutique instruments to vintage icons of the past all at fair market values. Great selection of archtops. Beautiful store. Jon (the owner) is a incredibly knowledgeable and is simply a kind dude. Support your local guitar store.

  • en

    Max Pfister


    John is wonderful! And you can really tell he loves what he does! All the guitars are beautiful and well maintained! I can't wait to buy my next guitar from him!

  • Mike Lustig

    Mike Lustig


    Great staff, great guitars and amps, and a beautiful new location. Maybe the best thing about it is that you can comfortably play an instrument (on a couch, even) without being stalked by salespeople, and usually without hearing five other people running through their riff repertoire as you try to hear the guitar you're playing. What more can you ask for?

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