Gold Coast Maserati en Great Neck

Estados UnidosGold Coast Maserati



🕗 horarios

90, Northern Boulevard, 11021, Great Neck, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-299-8228
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7742597, Longitude: -73.731883

comentarios 5

  • Doris Biggs

    Doris Biggs


    Joel and his staff were truly amazing. Guys thank you for your help in getting exactly what I was shopping for.

  • Gene Sansone

    Gene Sansone


    Customer friendly

  • en

    Camillie Donnarumma


    Hands down the best experience I had with any dealership!!! Anthony Zanghi goes above and beyond for all my questions and concerns. It feels good to know i am in good hands and will recommend everybody to him! He’s The best!!!

  • Allan Friedman

    Allan Friedman


    I would HIGHLY recommend Gold Coast. They went above and beyond to satisfy me in each and every way possible. In my years of buying cars I have rarely encountered a dealership that was so dedicated to doing everything possible to make the client satisfied. They got me amazing 1.9% interest rate on a used 2017 car, they got me into a car that has made me very happy and they are a really nice bunch of guys who do everything they can to make you feel welcome. No pressure, no slick sales tactics, no hidden charges, no attempt to sell me things I did not want. 100% happy and big thanks to the General Manager Joe who is a wonderful person. I am now a happy member of the Maserati family. Thanks Gold Coast ! I will certainly be back to visit them again perhaps for a SUV - they have met and exceeded all of my expectations - THANK YOU !

  • shlomi dayan

    shlomi dayan


    I bought my slightly used corvette from these guys yesterday. Everything about the facility and it's employees was top notch. Dealing with honest gentlemen today is simply a rarity. Anthony the used car manager is great. Honest, upfront, and knowledgeable. A real car guy who knows his stuff and does whatever it take to make you happy and close a deal, WITHOUT being that typical pushy salesman. I couldn't ask for a better experience and if I could I'd buy every car I'll ever own from these guys. A++++

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