Go No Sen Karate w Peekskill

Stany ZjednoczoneGo No Sen Karate



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28, Welcher Avenue, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-734-2461
strona internetowej: www.gonosen.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.2711031, Longitude: -73.9369518

komentarze 5

  • joellen deluca

    joellen deluca


    Superb instructors for all ages! These folks know martial arts and love what they do! Highly recommend!

  • Bill Lawless

    Bill Lawless


    We have been searching for ways to improve my son's balance as he was injured in an accident a few years ago. We tried many different sports like basketball, baseball and soccer. Each of which helped a bit in their own way. Upon seeing a groupon offer we decided to give karate a shot. We cannot believe the amount of improvement we have seen in the first 45 days. We expected some improvement; however, we did not see this amount coming. It is unbelievable. It eclipses the progress we have made in all the other sports combined. The staff has been fantastic and super encouraging and our son always leaves his class with a sense of accomplishment and a huge smile. We are looking forward to seeing continued improvement in the future.

  • Samsumg



    Walked in inquiring about their services for my 6 yr old and I just felt so welcomed. From the front desk staff to the owner great experience at all times. My son came out with a smile and now he is inrolled in Karate. I also spoke to some Moms while I waiting for my son and not 1 person had 1 bad thing to say about Go No Sen. Defiantly recommend to everyone out there looking for Karate for their kids. Thanks again for making us feel like family

  • Zoe T-A

    Zoe T-A


    When we picked the kids up after day camp they said they wished they could go to karate school everyday! They had the time of their lives, got heaps of good exercise, made new friends, and came home with lots of fun new games to play with each other. An absolutely fantastic choice for camp. Thank you!!!

  • jacqueline ramos

    jacqueline ramos


    Great environment, we were greeted right away and made to feel comfortable. The staff is amazing and very friendly. my son is so excited and had such a positive experience his first time here, were looking forward to our next class. Mr. Adam was very kind and understood our goal with our son were so very happy to have enrolled our son. we recommend this Karate School to everyone.

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