Go Green Bedbug Dogs w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGo Green Bedbug Dogs



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545, 8th Avenue, 10018, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 888-497-4591
strona internetowej: www.gogreenbedbugdogs.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7544726, Longitude: -73.9923675

komentarze 5

  • Gary Pyatigorsky

    Gary Pyatigorsky


    Great exterminator. We were freaking out thinking we had bed bugs in one of our offices. Go Green techicion came in with their dog, did a full inspection of our office, found the problem and treated the facility. Great job, couldnt ask for more.

  • en

    Amy Nasseri


    Review for Bob and Louise Just wanted to genuinely thank Bob and his beautiful dog Louise. They did an amazing job. We arrived back home after an airbnb nightmare - yes bed bugs!! Bob was careful, considerate and Louis was amazing to watch. I would highly recommend this service for the exceptional communication and service and most importantly.. peace of mind! A.Nasseri

  • en

    Amanda Klingler


    Go Green Bed Bugs is just one of the many scamming bed bug companies in NYC! They took my money and never came back to do the second treatment! Scam artists!!!!!!!!!! Thrives!

  • en

    Peter Ciopryna


    If you're looking here then you are having a nightmare like my wife and I did. Having bedbugs is a highly stressful thing to go through. We initially hired a company and they came out and steamed the bedroom and charged us $500.00 but the problem did not go away. We called Go Green and he had a technician with a dog at our house the very next day. We live in Connecticut in New Haven county. The dog (Louise) identified the bedbugs and the technician treated the rooms. They come back two weeks later to kill any larva that may have been laid and hatched. Approximately 10 days later my wife had what she thought were maybe small bites possibly from babies, and with no questions asked Dave sent a technician Bob back out to our house and treated once more. I am happy to say they solved our problem. They truly guarantee their work. Having bedbugs is truly a nightmare and if you want to solve the problem Go Green is the company to do it for you!

  • Claudia Zelevansky

    Claudia Zelevansky


    Go Green came through for me in a bed bug panic and were so professional, helpful, and responsive. Their care and commitment to green approaches is also impressive. They know what they're doing! I recommend them without reservation.

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