Glover Park Ace Hardware i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGlover Park Ace Hardware



🕗 åbningstider

2233, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20007, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-333-6378
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9197297, Longitude: -77.0707391

kommentar 5

  • Seth Kirshen

    Seth Kirshen


    Very helpful staff. They immediately ask if you need assistance, take you the product, and assist you to pick the correct product. This is why we shop in stores. Always a good experience.

  • en

    Ten Sore


    Went twice in one day and both times employees asked if I needed assistance. That's hard to find at any home improvement store.

  • Joe Daley

    Joe Daley


    Thank you so much ACE Hardware for being part of our community.

  • Cristal Shimamura

    Cristal Shimamura


    The customer service is awesome, and they seem to have everything you would need.

  • Arif Shaikh

    Arif Shaikh


    Best Staff; Supportive as well. Very vast collection of everything from cradle to grave. But price is super expensive. For normal things which you need for your 1 Bedroom Apartment, you end up paying $100 for 3-4 sockets and plugs. Then you realize and get the feeling that Dude, This is DC.. :) But in urgency you need anything, This is the place.

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