Glen Toyota en Fair Lawn

Estados UnidosGlen Toyota



🕗 horarios

23-07, Maple Avenue, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-791-3800
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.948705, Longitude: -74.137429

comentarios 5

  • en

    Robert Fiorentino


    When going to Glen Toyota, my car dealer Junior helped me tremendously with every question I had and made sure I found the car that best suited my needs. Even though it’s been almost a year since I bought my car, he still is helpful with anything I have needed. He’s easy to get in contact with and is always professional. Due to his great customer service, I have recommended several friends to him as I am confident he will provide the same great customer service.

  • XxExtreme Gamez

    XxExtreme Gamez


    Neil is an incredible guy to deal with at Glen Toyota! His big personality is so inviting. Our experience with Neil is ALWAYS different than what you get with a “typical car salesman”. Neil is friendly, easy going knowledgeable, & is always willing to work with your budget. We have dealt with Neil on several occasions & wouldn’t think about going anywhere else!

  • jena fisher

    jena fisher


    Okay, so I have bought 4 cars from Glen Toyota over the last 15 years and each experience gets better and better. I cannot begin to tell you the comfort, ease and dependability of their well-qualified staff. I am especially thankfully for Neil! Neil checks up on me to make sure that I have everything I need and I know he gives me the best options according to my values. I recently purchased a car this weekend and I am so happy with my car. I love the owners and I really do feel like I am a part of the Glen Toyota family. Neil and the Glen Toyota Team: Thank you for exemplary customer service and true quality and value each every time! #glentoyotaforlife

  • en

    Jill Stefanik


    I recently bought a new RAV-4 at Glen Toyota. Neil was my salesperson. He was professional, courteous and helped me to find the right car for me. He offered great professional suggestions and insight. I never felt like he was "selling" me a car but rather helping me to find the best fit for me. I very much appreciated the time and care he took in helping me. As a result I bought a new car, it even has a few extras I didn't think I could get, and all within my budget. His follow up care has been great too. Glen Toyota really makes you feel like you've joined a family when you buy from them. It doesn't seem to stop with Neil either, everyone I've dealt with has been super. I recently had to go over to the service center because I couldn't figure out something with my audio system. I was in and out in 20 minutes (without an appointment!) and left feeling really good about my decision to buy from Glen Toyota!

  • en

    Stephanie Helou


    I went to the dealer to buy a new car, Neil was my salesman and he was great! Very professional and down to earth. He sold me my car and made the buying process smooth and seamless. Also, the people at Glen Toyota make you feel like family. They keep in touch about what is going on and how you are enjoying your purchase. My family has been using this dealership for years and will continue to do so because of the courtesy and friendliness of everyone there.

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