Glen Head Air Conditioning i Glen Head

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671, Glen Cove Avenue, 11545, Glen Head, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-218-5452
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Latitude: 40.832561, Longitude: -73.630027

kommentar 5

  • Luciano Gaines

    Luciano Gaines


    Glen Head Air Conditioning did a great job of retro fitting a mini split into a finished house. Very professional, friendly and prompt. Our cooling system has improved dramatically and at a lower cost. I highly recommend Glen Head Air Conditioning!

  • Jalen Hull

    Jalen Hull


    Glen Head Air Conditioning was the best quote by far. They took the time to explain the various options and sell me the system that was best for my needs. They were quick and professional. I've used them for service and am very happy with the speedy results and good service.

  • Hakeem Stein

    Hakeem Stein


    Second year for annual AC servicing from Glen Head Air Conditioning. As always 100% professionalism with their service - showing up on time to explaining the work completed. Highly recommended!!

  • Corbin Zimmerman

    Corbin Zimmerman


    We had Glen Head Air Conditioning over and their technicians were really great with work and customer-accommodation. I cannot justify how awesome they are. I am highly recommending this wonderful company!

  • Ira Callahan

    Ira Callahan


    Glen Head Air Conditioning has been my got to AC company. I did cooling maintenance were done to their usual stellar service. They are punctual, courteous and truly reliable with suggestions to keep systems running at their best. I would highly recommend them for their service as well as installation which they did for our AC 2 yrs. ago.

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