Glen Echo Park National Park Service w Glen Echo

Stany ZjednoczoneGlen Echo Park National Park Service


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

7300, MacArthur Blvd, 20812, Glen Echo, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-320-1400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9662857, Longitude: -77.1390525

komentarze 5

  • en

    F E Downey


    Wonderful space, but few, specific signs to direct you your destination. Took 10 minutes (after speaking to two live persons) to find my gallery opening. Maybe Glen Echo can email persons with walking directions?

  • Nicalena Neary

    Nicalena Neary


    Glen Echo Park is a National Park located in Glen Echo Maryland. The grounds are beautiful, natural trails, walking paths and a stream. The Famous Carousel opens the end of April. There is an Aquarium on site as well as the famous Spanish Ballroom where dances and lessons are given on most weekends. Many artist have studios on the premises. There's a large Pavilion and picnic tables outside. Classes in music and art are available. It's a nice way to spend a day.

  • Felicia Lee

    Felicia Lee


    Came for a Saturday night swing dancing event, and was blown away by the community feel, quality instruction, and the Spanish ballroom is beautiful. Be sure to wear a jacket or dress in layers in the winter because it was quite chilly in the ballroom. Once you start dancing though it’s perfect! There was heating in the snack bar. Only negative was the coffee was not good haha.

  • Rodyna L Zabbit

    Rodyna L Zabbit


    Awesome walk into a retro past of Americana and Civil Rights history! Especially cool is that it's a National Park Service site and has multiple junior ranger badges to earn, too! Unfortunately, when we visited, although the park was open, the ranger office had closed an hour earlier than what we typically encounter, so we had to improvise...but it was still interesting to explore and learn about its history!

  • Nicholas Chase

    Nicholas Chase


    We enjoyed Glen Echo Park. It is a nice place to go on the weekends. Parking is a bit tricky. You need to go past the park to the National Park lot off Oxford Road. We went to 2 places here. Candy Corner is a children's art room where they give you a couple of things to make for around 30 minutes. Quite nice. They other is a puppet theater. The theater is fun, tickets are required for everyone and you will need to be there on time, as the show is 30 minutes for children. Our daughter enjoyed the experience at both.

najbliższy Park

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