Glamcode Beauty Bar w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGlamcode Beauty Bar



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3807, East Tremont Avenue, 10465, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-621-4974
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8249531, Longitude: -73.8201443

komentarze 5

  • en

    Liz Baez


    Went there for the first time reccomended by numerous girl friends.The place is absolutely wonderful. The hair stylist Maria did a fabulous job on my hair. After being 20 or more years with the same stylist I needed change and am so happy with the outcome. Went from a new customer to a permanent one now.The business is clean and huge they also do nails & pedicures.The staff is very pleasant. Hands down would reccomend my new stylist Maria .Excellent.👍👍

  • Jeanis Torres

    Jeanis Torres


    Everybody does an awesome job

  • en

    Paula Rogers


    Maria is excellent!

  • Lionel Bajaña

    Lionel Bajaña


    Vincenzo is my barber. Old school barber, just sccisors. Very affordable.

  • Cherie Rivera

    Cherie Rivera


    Loved my nails. Zory did a great job. She is a perfectionist and my nails came out perfect. I didn't have to tell her anything but what color I wanted. The only complaints I have is that there is no customer service. Her co-worker is extremely unprofessional. Ever since I had to tell her co-worker that she needed to watch her mouth in front of my daughter the communication between Zory and I has come to a stop. If you can tolerate the ratchetness then go for it. Your nails will be beautiful but if its customer service you are looking for this is not the place for you. The hair salon part of Glamcode is excellent and everyone is so polite.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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