GK Custom Footwear i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGK Custom Footwear



🕗 åbningstider

1938, South Dobson Road, 85202, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-777-5517
internet side: gkcustomfootwear.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.379127, Longitude: -111.878041

kommentar 5

  • Derk B

    Derk B


    Do you guys work with heel pain?

  • en

    Patrick Maloney


    I'm a client of GK Custom Footwear. Rene Urrutia and his Son Enrique Urrutia are the most caring and professional that anyone could ever have or hope for when it comes to front line services and specialized custom made footwear. They are the true essence and voice of GK Custom Footwear. It’s because of their dedication and quality of care. I’m now able to walk better. They listen and go that extra mile – even if one has a complex foot condition. Whatever your needs may be. I’ll always recommend GK Custom Footwear to all who require a caring environment with exceptional expertise.

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    Brian Hernandez


    Great work from the friendly face at GK!

  • Araceli Trejo

    Araceli Trejo


    Great quality and customer service! Would highly recommend them to anyone in need of shoe repair!

  • Carlo McCoy

    Carlo McCoy


    I Should've Had My Feet Examined This Hot Day, But The Draining Heat Won The Battle, Home It Was 4 Me. Whereas, I Did A Quick Check Side2Side And All Was Good. #BabyYourFeetRightHere...Only A Few Steps Away, LOL...

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