Gilman Ciocia i Lake Ronkonkoma

Forenede StaterGilman Ciocia



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500, Portion Road, 11779, Lake Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-981-6296
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8300562, Longitude: -73.0918518

kommentar 2

  • Linda Knoll

    Linda Knoll


    Couldn't say nicer things about them!

  • en

    joe defonte


    Gilman and Ciocia is NOT a professional or courteous tax preparation company to deal with. Very disappointed with two of their "accountants" there who both walk around the office looking like they're in a deep fog. They also make numerous errors on your tax returns and they DON'T own up to it when confronted with IRS evidence. They DO NOT apologize or even return your phone calls even after leaving numerous messages. The reception staff tries to cover for them and react negatively towards you wanting to reach them in order to resolve tax return issues. Reception staff should learn to show more courtesy and respect towards their clients; they wouldn't like being treated negatively if it was their tax return info that needed attention. DO NOT use this tax preparation service; you WILL BE very disappointed!

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