Gharer Khabar w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneGharer Khabar



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5157, Lee Highway, 22207, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8966875, Longitude: -77.1323192

komentarze 5

  • Abhishek Roy

    Abhishek Roy


    They serve great-tasting Bangladeshi food, in a casual and homely environment. Not the most polished restaurant in the area, however, their food tastes very very good and it has authentic Bangladeshi cooking style. If you are in the DC area and looking for Bangladeshi food, this is the place to go.

  • Mamoon Rashid

    Mamoon Rashid


    The foods are delicious. The hospitality of the owner is remarkable. A must try place.

  • Mehbuba Rahman

    Mehbuba Rahman


    Nice place to have Authentic Bangladeshi food. Lunch buffet was delicious and reasonably priced.

  • Mohammed Hanif

    Mohammed Hanif


    The most disgusting place on Earth. So many rude customers that comes here and very rude little kids who eat here. Terrible customer service, the place is run down, very dirty, nasty bathrooms, nasty staff and customers. It's one of the worst restaurants in America. The food isn't bad, some are good, some are bad, but all of them are bad, with no flavor or salt. It's torture coming here, and torture to hear the insults of these people.

  • Ibrahim Ahmed

    Ibrahim Ahmed


    Authentic Bangladeshi cuisine, excellent service, nice and clean restaurant. A must do for all Bangladeshi cuisine lovers (Bangali cuisine is different than the commonly available Indian cuisine)- would also recommend to people who love to try different food.

najbliższy Restauracja

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