Gentech Dentist i Clackamas

Forenede StaterGentech Dentist



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13023, Southeast 84th Avenue, 97015, Clackamas, Clackamas County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 503-353-9992
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Latitude: 45.4297287, Longitude: -122.5773239

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hallie Fall


    I had two fillings done here a few years ago, it was a horrible experience. The first filling, the dentist started drilling into my tooth and it was horribly painful, when I told her to stop that it was causing me extreme pain she told me to hold on that we were almost through it.... the same tooth caused me so much pain after the procedure for months I went back in on two occasions asking them to see what could've gone wrong, and they said nothing it looked fine, but I could not eat on that side of my mouth and eventually just had to get used to it.... The second filling looks like plaque on the side of my tooth, I actually went to another dentists office recently and that's what he thought it was too until I told him it was actually a filling done terribly. This dentist also didn't notice that I had the first filling done either as he thought this was still a cavity, I'm now having to pay to have this all completely redone. This review is particularly about the younger blonde dentist, can't remember her name, but I highly suggest going elsewhere.

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    Amanda Grant


    I have an appointment on Monday and I'm really nervous I hope they can do something about my tooth that really hurts and my gums are infected it hurts so bad 😭

  • Bianca Salerno

    Bianca Salerno


    They did a filling on my front tooth that broke less than three months later, along with part of my tooth. Then they said they couldn't fit me in for a month to fix their mistake, which is now painful. I will never go back here if I can find a better place to help me and I intend to file a QOC grievance.

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    Steve Gessin


    Dr. Arlauskas and his staff are the most competent and professional dental team I have ever encountered. They are caring and kind. Thank you Gentech!

  • Douglas Carpenter

    Douglas Carpenter


    They are not very organized. Lost my paperwork after I just gave to them. Tried to get me to do a deep root clean that I did not need. Accused my other dentist who I've been seeing for years of fraud and improper teeth cleaning. Would caution anyone going here that they will overcharge you and insurance. Beware!

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