Generation Edge Salon w Merrick

Stany ZjednoczoneGeneration Edge Salon



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2019, Merrick Road, 11566, Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-868-0188
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6568088, Longitude: -73.5490385

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cristina Anderson


    Hello my name is Cristina and I would like just to say that my niece had came to this salon. They had got there hair done by this lady named Jennifer my niece had told me that Jennifer had destroyed her hair when she got her color done By her.. she broke All my niece hair off with on top of it she said she seemed like she had no idea what she was doing and came too me crying histrical and told me to report this so if anyone goes there please do not get the lady named Jennifer. My niece also told me she seemed very mean and aggressive . Deff would give this place a -0

  • en

    shannon magee


    Love, love my new hair style and color. I didn't think you could get the red i really wanted and you nailed it. The staff is always pleasant and makes me feel at home. Thanks for always doing a beautiful job. My fifth time here and I can tell you I'll keep going back. If this salon is in your area you should really check it out.

  • melissa borger

    melissa borger


    This is the best salon on the South Shore. As soon as you walk in you are made to feel special. They care about your experience and really want you to be happy w the results.. Love my stylist Claire, the assistants and the receptionists. I also love that they are so up to date w new products and styles !!! Thanks NEVICA

  • en

    gabby D


    This is by far the wrost place I’ve ever been too. I had went in one evening to get my hair done and there was no one At the front desk to help me at all. I must have been waiting for 10 mintues, and then when I got my hair washed, it was the wrost wash I’ve ever gotten from the Spanish lady. As im getting my hair washed the lady that was washing my hair I guess her cell phone had started to ring while she was washing my hair. she had stopped with what she doing and answered the phone and told the person she was going to call them back. And then after she started washing my hair again she got water all over my face and on my back. I had asked her to give me a towel she told me there’s only 1 per person so Disgusting. deff not a professional place where I would ever go to again everyone there seems so serious and so rude as well. I would deff not recommend to go to this salon at all.

  • en

    Barbara Gatto


    Claire is an amazing hair dresser. She cuts my hair and my children as well. She does up do's anything you need. So professional.

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