General Porpoise Doughnuts i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGeneral Porpoise Doughnuts



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1020, East Union Street, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-900-8770
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.613079, Longitude: -122.3187329

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kristin Dorey


    I am obsessed with their branding! The lemon donut might just be one of the best donuts I've ever had. I enjoyed every donut that I've had from there. They also have a great beverage menu. Their lattes are delicious. Just a disclaimer, be sure to show up early to make sure you can get donuts.

  • en

    Anzela Niraula


    Renee Erickson's another magical creation. The architecture of this shop is really unique. The aqua blue shade interspersed with white on the walls is really bright and welcoming! I prefer cake donuts over the fluffy donuts but boy o boy the fluffy donuts here are just out of the world! Great flavors (rhubarb, strawberry tangerine, lemon curd) with powdered sugar dust. The donuts aren't as big as the price but it's a worthwhile experience!

  • Vinita Chen

    Vinita Chen


    Normally, I like to stick to my glazed donuts, but these looked so delicious, I had to try! My favorite so far is the vanilla custard. The honey and yogurt, and lemon curd were a bit too tart for my taste, but I definitely tend to stick to sweeter things. It was not overly sweet!

  • Guru pragaash

    Guru pragaash


    This place was in my list for a long time. When I tried it, I was really disappointed. They had only two options. Lemon and honey yogurt. They were like normal donuts. Not worth 4$. If you just want a donut(like me), I wouldn't recommend it.




    All I can say is this doughnut is worth every cent! I know a dozen costs as much as a half my monthly bus pass but they are worth the treat! The staff is awesome and the second time I went (not addicting at all) I had forgotten my wallet. I asked them to hold the dozen and I would be back in 15 min. When I returned they gave me a little discount because of coming back. When I asked where the tip jar was? The response was "we don't accept tips and are paid a livable wage" - that alone is worth the price. I recommend going early when all varieties are available. Once the stock they have is gone, they are gone for the day.

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