Genchem Inc i Hurst

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732, West Hurst Boulevard, 76053, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-285-8147
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Latitude: 32.8094604, Longitude: -97.1838806

kommentar 2

  • en

    clay gregorc


    Norm Dean is a professional scam artist. Will ask you to manufacture products for him and will not pay. Has been doing this to contract packaging companies for many years. Do not do business with this individual

  • en

    Ch Bra


    NORM DEAN is a Professional Scam Artist. He calls different blenders/manufacturers around the country to get them to make his products for him. He will then call his customers and tell them that he has a sweetheart deal on his products. Once the blender agrees to make his product he will send you orders for his "Transclean, Jet Spray A, and degreaser" asking that you ship the product directly to his customers. His scam relies on him charging a significantly discounted price to his customers with no intention to ever pay the blender making his product. For example my company made 4 drums of one of his products and invoiced him for approx. $1300. I call the customer who we shipped to, and they state that they only payed Norm approx. $700 for the product that we shipped. Norm Dean has an answering service and a PO Box as his only contact information. He is too much of a slime bag to give out his personal contact information.

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