GBS The Beauty Store w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneGBS The Beauty Store



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308, Miracle Mile, 33134, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 305-446-6654
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7492526, Longitude: -80.2609786

komentarze 5

  • en

    Craig Washington


    I have lived in Boca Raton for 3 years and wish I had found this store earlier! I found my way into GBS due to a gift card in a silent auction gift basket that I purchase earlier this year. The associate I worked with was lovely, she explained all applicable deals to me and helped to color match my skin perfectly. While shopping several customers can in and easily exchanged products that they weren't 100% happy with, the process seemed very common, you just need the receipt. My only criticisms are that many of the items in the makeup section are not priced (probably why I spent 3x the gift card amount) and the checkout process was extremely slow.

  • atrinka rac

    atrinka rac


    Great beauty store, zero pushing vendors, lovely ladies full of tips and knowledge. It's my favorite beauty store. It has european brands, out of the ordinary. Very clean, no dirty bags to buy (like the other two stores...).

  • en

    Alba Negron


    I absolutely love this place!! I am a regular customer and whenever I go they always tell me what is new in the brands I like, what is on special, and recommend new products that they personally recommend. Highly recommend going to this place!

  • Nancy Borras

    Nancy Borras


    First of all, this beauty supply has the rudest people i had ever met, if you have a question regarding a product the girls look at you like you're stupid and give an attitude and short answear, like they dont want you to bother them, I also had the stylist die my hair and extension ombre and guess what he damage my hair with belach and i aske hon to only dye my extensions, the extesions were ruined and he had another client coming in after me and i was not even close to be done i ooked like a raccon, brown hai with patches of bleached orange hair all over my head and he had the face to ask me to come back to finish my hair the next day, i went home crying and with my hair and extension ruined. do your self a favor and do not waste your time and money on this place

  • en

    Użytkownik Google


    I have been shopping at GBS for over 2 years now and I have to say I'm a huge fan. Not only is their selection great, but they have very helpful staff and always remember returning customers. Favs to try are their Klorane skincare line and candles :)

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