Gary Duff Designs en Holbrook

Estados UnidosGary Duff Designs


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487, Furrows Road, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-737-4229
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Latitude: 40.809133, Longitude: -73.0664369

comentarios 5

  • en

    Sufi xu


    From Ingenuity design to effective finish, gary did the wonderful job and received our respects. Most Profession and efficient team in Long Island. Highly recommend!

  • Peter Scott

    Peter Scott


    Gary was friendly and listen carefully to my needs. Gary's knowledge and expertise helped to provide outstanding workmanship. Working with Gary was a great experience!

  • Dheeraj Khanna

    Dheeraj Khanna


    It’s Thanksgiving and while we have a lot to be thankful for, this year I wanted to take a moment to thank Gary and his crew for completing transforming our backyard into a five star resort!! Gary’s passion for what he does and his ability to envision the end product is truly incredible!! He treats your project as though it was in his own home. After many estimates, we are so glad that we picked Gary...the attention that he paid to every detail and the short amount of time that he made it all happen in was remarkable!! I truly believe he is one of the BEST that his industry has to offer and would highly recommend him to everyone!!

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    paul muhs


    I have worked with Gary Duff Designs for over 10 years. I would highly recommend this company!

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    Viktor Szekeres


    I have known Gary for over a decade. In these years he did numerous projects for us in three of our houses. From the smallest property (.3 acres) to the largest (2.5 Acres) he had the right ideas, design and the capability to deliver the highest quality that fit the project. All of the work he done for us brings praises from our neighbors, guests and family. Over the years we have worked with many different people and companies in all different trades, but none measure up to Gary's standards. Gary is probably the most organized person we know and his team the most efficient. He was always available for us no matter how big or small or questions or requests were. I can highly recommend him any project small or large; he has proven over and over again that he delivers exceptional design and result in the shortest possible time.

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