Gargiulo Steven G Cpa - Gargiulo & Co i Nesconset

Forenede StaterGargiulo Steven G Cpa - Gargiulo & Co


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181, Smithtown Boulevard, 11767, Nesconset, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-265-7556
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Latitude: 40.8368288, Longitude: -73.1556846

kommentar 4

  • en

    Frank Parisi


    Steve has been preparing our taxes for many years. He is very personable and organized. He makes sure that he understands our tax situation. He asks all the correct questions and doesn't leave any rocks unturned in finding deductions. Each year we have a sizable refund check. He advised us on how to do this since this is what we wanted. I emailed him on several occasions asking questions and he was always helpful. His office is in one of the nicest building in Nesconset and his staff is always professional and friendly.

  • en

    Peter Baumert


    Fantastic staff. Steve is exceptional.

  • en

    C Paolucci


    Steve is a great guy and knows his stuff. He will get you the most on your return. Me and my family have used him for years.

  • Peter Cirillo

    Peter Cirillo


    I been using Steve Gargiulo as my accountant since 1985. He is fair, honest and dependable. I would highly recommend his services for all your business and personal accounting needs.

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