Garfield YMCA i Garfield

Forenede StaterGarfield YMCA



🕗 åbningstider

70, Outwater Lane, 07026, Garfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-928-2970
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8802487, Longitude: -74.1151411

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mikayla Jendayi


    During my child's summer camp experience they always forced the children to stay outside. My child was about to be forced to walk to a park which was far away and then she was tired but forced to play. The lunch was disgusting.Some of the consulers such as Tyler and Zoila were rude and disrespectful.

  • Micho MarinOff

    Micho MarinOff


    Ok place . Never busy. Aerobic room and equipment. Bicycle room . They charge $35 per month.

  • what did you say

    what did you say


    You can do anything there you can do soccer ⚽ basketball 🏀 swiming 🏊and more I love the YMCA if you go it will be the best money you will ever spend😍

  • Zuzanna Walczyk

    Zuzanna Walczyk


    Freezing cold in the swimming changing rooms and the staff does nothing about that. They are also super mean and don't treat there members right!

  • Laura Rivera

    Laura Rivera


    Neat place! Always find equipment available for your workout. The classes are no joke and instructors are amazing. Overall a very family friendly environment that makes your workout experience top of the line.

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