Garfield Pharmacy i North Merrick

Forenede StaterGarfield Pharmacy



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1760, Merrick Avenue North, 11566, North Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-378-5521
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Latitude: 40.6751495, Longitude: -73.5574919

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michele Milonakis


    I have been using Garfield Pharmacy for over 20 years and I have had the best service. The pharmacists go above and beyond for the customers!

  • Ariana Fekett

    Ariana Fekett


    Excellent pharmacy. Dave is helpful with precautions and potential contraindications. They truly care about your health.

  • en

    George Wilson


    Used to order drugs through the mail for years. Garfield has always been very helpful once I started filling scripts with them, even using coupons I was not aware of and saving me real money!

  • Sandra Parker

    Sandra Parker


    Horrible pharmacy! People shouldn't feel that they are questioned about the medications in which they are taking, which is what has been done NUMEROUS times here. Every month for the past 4 months there has been issues with my scripts. I always used CVS (had to leave due to insurance changes) and NEVER had a problem but for whatever reason there has been one after another with this pharmacy. I asked them to run a script to see when it will be due and I was told that it costs them to run scripts and she wasn't willing to do it until next week. That's not MY problem!! They are not the doctor and shouldn't treat customers this way. Maybe it's just me that has a problem with them but after month after month after month of problems, one has to question them!

  • Kevin Cassidy

    Kevin Cassidy


    Small town feel pharmacy where everyone is helpful. Couldn't be happier with them.

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