Garden Express i Phoenix

Forenede StaterGarden Express



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1825, West Buckeye Road, 85007, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-253-1389
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Latitude: 33.4363167, Longitude: -112.0984269

kommentar 5

  • Sam S

    Sam S


    Best food ever and super fast Definitely favorite food place.

  • en

    Sean Langheim


    Amazing quality! I order the combination d plate: egg rolls, chow mein, and fried rice. I have never had better. Fresh and authentic Chinese food. A true gem.

  • Migdelina Dessire

    Migdelina Dessire


    Me & my family have gone to Garden express since forever I have never had a bad meal & All I have to say is food is great & good prices I have no complaints!!

  • Geanette Garcia

    Geanette Garcia


    This place use to serve good food😋 it's not the same taste😞...I like when the older people where there... The younger one don't cook the same. Some change up also on the menu... Not good at all. I wasn't satisfied with my order also egg roll don't come on plate🍱 anymore. And it's hot🔥 in there while you wait!!!

  • Natalie Perez

    Natalie Perez


    Every time we visit from Texas, it's a must to stop and eat the best 🤗 food in Arizona 💯!!

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