Gap Outlet w Deer Park

Stany ZjednoczoneGap Outlet



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701, The Arches Circle, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-243-7801
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7653077, Longitude: -73.3027983

komentarze 5

  • Veronica Brown

    Veronica Brown


    nice clothes but the lines are always super long

  • en



    I experienced difficulty with the navigation. It was efficient in getting to the outlet. However, there was a glitch in locating the store. The store staff were friendly and helpful. They worked continuosly to make sure the store remained neat and functional. The dressing room attendant was nice, answering my questions regarding how the clothes fit me. The outlet had a phenomenal sale. I also used a coupon i found online. I left with several pairs of work capris and pants. I also found cardigans and lightweight sweaters for work. Very happy with my purchase. Note: for anyone who does not live in Suffolk county, be advised that there is a 5 cent charge for bags. I was not aware. So they ended up shoving 16 articles of clothing in my one 5 cent bag.

  • Sandra Hutchinson

    Sandra Hutchinson


    Unfortunately this store gets ONE star from me, because of the rudeness and unsympathetic behavior of one of the staff members (Alison). While my husband was shopping my 11 year old got a nose bleed. I asked Alison for tissue because the ones we had was saturated with blood, I also asked this RUDE Unsympathiic Alison for a plastic bag to put the soiled tissue in. As she THREW the tissues in my direction while walking away she claimed they didnt have any plastic bags. I would have assumed she was going back to tend to another customer but sadly that was not the case. Thanks to Linda she was very caring and showed concern for our situation. SHAME ON ALISON for behaving as if us the customer didnt matter. I highly doubt I'll be back

  • Waseem S

    Waseem S


    Great value and there's even seating for the men to wait for their wives...

  • Brian Sunder

    Brian Sunder


    Saw a pair of sweat pants I liked on the rack, but my size wasn't there. Asked the sales associate if they have more in the back, associate came out and said her manager says we do have it but their in boxes. Asked them are they going to open them so I can get my size and they said no. Really disappointed in the customer service.

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