Gap w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneGap



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3699, McKinney Avenue, 75204, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-520-1843
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.808646, Longitude: -96.7964768

komentarze 5

  • Genie Ramirez

    Genie Ramirez


    Love the Gap in West Village Dallas, Tx. Better deals on line....awesome @ Xmas.

  • en

    Michelle Gagne


    The staff at this location didn’t deliver a good customer service experience- no one spoke to me the entire time I was in the store, and when I made it up to the cash wrap, I waited in line for 20 minutes on one cashier working with one customer despite there being another team member on the phone next to her talking about their numbers for the day. The cashier did not know about the in-store advertised discounts on the items I bought, nor did the other staff member when she put the phone down to help. They mis-applied the discount and now I’ll need to go back to have them fix it.

  • Cathy Grafton

    Cathy Grafton


    Love their prices! They have a steady customer with me! This was the Conway store. Some of the friendliest employees ever!

  • en

    Rick RS


    I have been shopping at this Gap for over 10 years. Today was the final time I will go. It is poorly staffed (1 person in the entire store) and merchandise display was a mess. T -Shirts not arranged by size, color or any reasonable way. Underwear wall was a complete mess and looked as if stocking was done just to fill the wall. Dressing rooms were filthy dirty with dust balls everywhere, including floors tops of walls and light fixtures. I actually felt sorry for the one employee as she appeared totally stressed out. What's going on GAP leadership ? Or is there any leadership?????

  • Lee Hawkins

    Lee Hawkins


    Not busy staff was extremely helpful some good bargains and also was ableTo find exactly what I was looking for

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