GameStop en Jersey City

Estados UnidosGameStop



🕗 horarios

701, New Jersey 440, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-434-1123
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7211804, Longitude: -74.0954524

comentarios 5

  • Esmira Talon

    Esmira Talon


    The staff are good and they seem pretty cool, its just not that many products

  • Tri State Gamer

    Tri State Gamer


    Great store with the best associates. Especially Marive and Mary.

  • rob lehnert

    rob lehnert


    Unhelpful staff, lack of products. Save your time and go to any other brick & mortar store.

  • en

    Arun Thammaiah


    Store badly managed with bad customer service. Not worth going to the store.

  • en

    Dylan Alvarez


    Save your time and money don't bother comming here. I came in on a wensday to buy a game that was on sale and when I got there they said they had two copies left but they couldn't find it and they said it was lost. How do you lose a game in the store? Then I asked him if their would be a price change so if there was I could go to another store and buy it but then he started to catch an attitude he said no is should stay the same. So I waited till friday and next thing you know the price goes back up. The people that work here are incompetent, and rude

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