Gaio's Garage Inc i Kings Park

Forenede StaterGaio's Garage Inc


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59, East Main Street, 11754, Kings Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-544-9090
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8843983, Longitude: -73.2517219

kommentar 5

  • Steven Silber

    Steven Silber


    They did fantastic body work on my Audi for a fraction of what my previous body shop was charging. Nice family owned shop. Very satisfied. Will be using them again next time for sure!

  • en

    Michelle Curtin


    Sadly I needed them TWICE! Professional helpful genuine and a job well done is all I can say!

  • Rob C

    Rob C


    More then helpful, we have used them a lot, and would never go any place other. I would give them ten (1) stars if I could.

  • es

    Maria Ramirez


    Me gusta porque asen un buen trabajo te lo recomiendo

  • en

    Brien Sullivan


    Very professional and excellent craftsmen. Had damage repaired from a hit while parked and Gaio's Garage did a fantastic job. Recommend them to anyone. They kept me informed on when my car would be ready during the process.

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