Fury Combat Systems w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFury Combat Systems



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24, Cobek Court, 11235, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 917-340-2911
strona internetowej: www.furycombat.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5870749, Longitude: -73.9733196

komentarze 5

  • Clifford Todd McKinney

    Clifford Todd McKinney


    My wife and her friend have been taking jiu jitsu at Fury Combat while all the other women are at Zumba classes. My wife looks great, feels great and I feel better when she is out by herself or with a friend knowing that she can handle any situation. They did not only teach her self defense but awareness, which is just as valuable.

  • Bobby Arnold

    Bobby Arnold


    I have been training in mixed martial arts at Fury Combat for close to one year, I came over from another school because I felt that I was no longer improving. With the teaching from Dr. Fury I have improved more in this short time than my entire time at the other program.

  • Doug Ernest Wesley

    Doug Ernest Wesley


    All three of my kids are taking self defense at Fury Combat in Brooklyn. I have heard so many horrible stories about bullying on the news I could not stand the thought of that happening to any of my kids. With the training they have received over the past year no one is going to succeed at bullying them. I feel much better today when they go to school.

  • Julia Zenita

    Julia Zenita


    I was taking mixed martial arts at another school closer to my home but did not feel I was progressing. When I heard about Dr. Furies and his methods I switched. Now I am growing in both the physical and mental areas of the sport. I am glad I made the change and the extra drive to Brooklyn is well worth it.

  • Jennifer Reese Smith

    Jennifer Reese Smith


    I needed to learn to feel safe when I went shopping or walked to me car in a dark parking lot. The classes I took in self defense at Fury Combat. Brooklyn can be an intimidation place for a woman to live especially at night. Now I feel I could have much less of a chance to become a victim. Fury Combat really helped me.

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