Fullerton Bicycles i Fullerton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFullerton Bicycles



🕗 åbningstider

424, East Commonwealth Avenue, 92832, Fullerton, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 714-879-8310
internet side: www.fullertonbicycle.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8701038, Longitude: -117.9163979

kommentar 5

  • K Krause

    K Krause


    Place is outstanding. Thomas A. Helped resolve an issue on a brand new giant tcr bike i bought. He then proceeded to give me a great deal on parts and bike fit at buena park bikes with michael. Good to know these guys are making the biking community that much better for everyone.

  • en

    John Harpster


    Awesome Family run shop, that ride and race bikes. Mike lives the lifestyle and wants to share it anyone who is interested. Great place to get into bikes...

  • Jim Reyes

    Jim Reyes


    Best bike shop in the area. Owner gets to know customers on a first name basis. Big inventory to find a bike that fits your needs.

  • Keith Brown

    Keith Brown


    Got an excellent price on a giant e-bike, although there was a delivery snafu from the giant warehouse, Mike was able to obtain the large frame size from another cycle shop and get me up and running that same day! Employees are knowlegable and are very helpful on ordering accessories (needed fenders for the Giant Full-E +1). Highly recommend this bicycle shop!

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    Baller P


    Cool bike shop, friendly service. I'm really surprised at some of the reviews. Unless they're already busy with another customer or a project, they will acknowledge you and help you out right away. What do people expect? For them to drop everything and come and tend to you like if you are Royalty? #Babies

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