Френдли Форд i Poughkeepsie

Forenede StaterФрендли Форд



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2250, South Road, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-462-1900
internet side: www.friendlyfordny.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.64359, Longitude: -73.9207149

kommentar 5

  • destiny gamer

    destiny gamer


    Visited Friendly Ford a few days ago and my experience was phenomenal! I purchased an F-150 and im very happy. My sales guy Stephen was superb. He was very knowledgeable, friendly and made the purchase hassle free. Excellent customer service. I highly recommend Friendly Ford, I will definitely buy another car from them in the future.

  • Nunzio Tripodi

    Nunzio Tripodi


    I would like to thank the sales and service staff at Friendly Ford...Brian, Stephen, Bobby and Keith. They went above and beyond to find me the perfect truck. Their knowledge of their vehicles and capabilities was great. If they didn't have it they would find it. But best all they made it fun. My 2018 F250 is the best truck I've ever owned.

  • en

    Mary Catrone


    This was my second time shopping with Friendly. I thought the first time was great but the second was even better. Because I also had the same salesman, Joe Catalano, he knew all my needs and wants and delivered. Joe is very thorough and knowledgeable about his product. I would high recommend both Friendly and Joe!

  • Dan Minnerly

    Dan Minnerly


    I was very pleased overall with my last Service visit. Mike and Matt were exceptionally helpful with setting up the appointment and arranging a loaner vehicle. Although the service items took a little longer than I expected as some parts seemed to have been delayed, I was kept up to date on how things were progressing.

  • Christian Griffin

    Christian Griffin


    Purchased a 2013 Ford Escape Went in for an upgrade. The staff was great on the phone when I set up my appointment. I didn’t wait long when I showed up a bit early for my appointment. Lou was the person who helped me. He took time to get to know me and helped me feel comfortable about the buying process. I was nervous and Lou made me feel like he cared more about me than making a sale. My experience was excellent! I felt like Lou worked hard to get me the best deal I could get. At not point did anybody put pressure on me to purchase nor did anybody use sleazy tactics to convince me of my choice. I’m still really happy with my purchase and the follow up I received. I already referred my friend to Lou for his upcoming purchase. Hopefully I won’t need to buy another vehicle for a while, but I will definitely return to Friendly Ford.

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