Freedom From Fear i New York

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308, Seaview Avenue, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-351-1717
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Latitude: 40.5861347, Longitude: -74.0917873

kommentar 5

  • en

    Greg Kelly


    If you have someone who is in need of help anytime soon, DO NOT take them here. Try calling them, you will never talk to a human and they will take their sweat time getting back to you after you leave a message. My daughter’s psychiatric treatment was to go for three weeks and basically give an update of the effects of her medication and that’s it. After that her psychiatrist went on vacation for three weeks, daughter went again once, same question and was told to come back in a month. When I tried to get her psychiatrist switched it took several phone messages and one irate message to have the Over worked/over whelmed Founder/Executive Director call me back and then never flow up. I sent more e-mails (nice ones) and still no response. When you are a psychiatric institution with the goal of helping people with depression and anxiety. A total lack of urgency, an unreachable staff and leadership that does not follow though effects the people who have entrusted their care to you and their families. As a group that has been so called caring for depressed people for so long it astounds me that you cannot see the impact of poor patient management can have.

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    Luna Kulez


    So far so good

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    Kim Sartini


    I don't understand how this place is open. Terrible experience.

  • Embrace The Dark 9

    Embrace The Dark 9


    This mental health clinic doesn't regard the feelings or concerns of patients at all. I was abandoned by the therapist and psychiatrist instantaneously without warning. It appears suspicious that I was suddenly rejected right when my insurance changed... Seems that this organization is only concerned with monetary profit. Very disheartening. They didn't take into account my mental well being at all and claimed that I cannot be treated anymore because they can't offer me the help I need. That's a ludicrous assertion. I poured my heart out to these leeches at a time of crisis when I desperately needed help. I needed someone to believe in me and just give me a damn chance. Thanks for nothing. Honestly if this place truly only prioritizes propriety for money, then it never was the judicious beacon of hope that it disguised itself as.

  • Kirk Philippou

    Kirk Philippou


    Threw my in crisis son out the second his insurance changed. Not even a second to find a new shrink!!!!! All about the $$$

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