Frank's Meat & Produce i Detroit

Forenede StaterFrank's Meat & Produce



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3405, Russell Street, 48207, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 313-832-4299
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Latitude: 42.3504988, Longitude: -83.0435001

kommentar 5

  • en

    Debra L


    Delicious corned beef sandwiches! Very lean and tender. We have ordered the 1/2 lb rueben with coleslaw and Swiss and the 1lb Triple decker with coleslaw & Swiss. I prefer the 1/2 lb. since it has less bread. My only suggestion would be if you like coleslaw get a side coleslaw, since there isn’t that much on the sandwich. Also had the yummy chili fries. The wait staff is very friendly. Definitely will go back.

  • en

    Ms karlie bridge


    Nice cuts of meats and cheese! Very Fresh!

  • peggy terry

    peggy terry


    A clean , well stocked meat market, with courteous help. Have shopped there many years. The meats and cheeses are freshly sliced to your order.

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    Paul Glantz


    Love Wigley's corned beef. Also enjoyed a wonderful omelette for breakfast while I was there.

  • en

    N Aziza Draper


    FRANKS DELI IS THE BEST!!! I had the most wonderful experience with my family. The owner was sweet to my daughter as well as the staff. I grew up on Lou's Deli & Bread Basket and THEY DON'T COMPARE to Franks Deli! This is the BEST CORN BEEF I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE! The Food was made with love and is very tasty and delicious! Also the Banana Pudding Milkshake was sooo good, I am still savoring it now! Please support this local business. You will not be disappointed!

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