Frank C Perry DDS PC w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneFrank C Perry DDS PC



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74, Southaven Avenue, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-654-0707
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8011588, Longitude: -73.0041756

komentarze 5

  • en

    melissa d


    I came to Dr. Perry after 3 years of neglecting the care of my teeth because of some pretty serious dental anxiety. All this fear was diminished the moment I entered his office. His staff has made me feel completely at ease, explaining each procedure in detail, providing analogies I could relate to. Between the office staff, the dental assistants, and hygenists, going to the dentist is no longer a chore, but a pleasure. Dr. Perry has gone above and beyond the call of duty for a dentist. He has treated me with the upmost respect and concern. I truly feel he has my best interests in mind. He works with my schedule and budget, and is always available. The office is clean, extremely organized, and newly renovated. I would not trust any other team of professionals with my teeth. I couldn’t ask for a better dentist. I recently had a dental emergency, in extreme amounts of pain in one of my back mollers. Dr. Perry fit me in right away, relieved my tooth discomfort and made a plan of action immediately. I am very thankful to have such an experienced, maticulous dentist.

  • Chris Slate

    Chris Slate


    This office is AMAZING I have never been to an office that does exceptional care and service. I have been to dentists over the years and Dr Perry and his staff are amazing I am no longer afraid I am no longer scared. I love his hygienist Joyce and I am no longer afraid to have my teeth cleaned. Dr. Perry is brilliant and his dental assistants are amazing and cater to every one of my silly little wims. My teeth look great. dr. perry finished his new office reconstruction it is both beautiful and modern. i recently had some treatment completed with IV sedation and it was absolutely the best experience i have had.

  • Leslie Rurup

    Leslie Rurup


    October 10th was a regular cleaning. As I've posted before, I've been a patient in this office for over 15 years, and I and my family love this practice. What is best about it is that the entire staff is very knowledgeable. Joyce (who does our cleanings) will tell you if there are problems in your mouth that you need to look to, not just related to your dental hygiene. George is a wonderful front-desk receptionist, very warm and welcoming. Amber is very good at making patients comfortable before their procedure. I didn't need to see Dr. Perry, this time, because everything was okay. But, all of my encounters with him are great!

  • en

    Joseph DiPalmo


    The entire staff is professional and wonderful, the office is immaculate and state of the art. Everyone explained my treatment/procedure and answered all of my questions. If you are nervous or have dental anxiety Dr. Perry and staff are the ticket and will make you feel at ease. The staff was friendly, helpful and made sure I was comfortable. While I wouldn't say going to the dentist was on my top 10, I would say that Dr. Perry and staff will make it a pleasant experience. A professional office yes; but not at the expense of being thoughtful and compassionate. Joyce is a sweet and caring hygienist, Kitty is the greatest, her and Dr. Perry work in sync and so well together you know you’re in the best of care. This office is a team of caring professionals, each doing their part so well you feel the chemistry. I would definitely recommend this dentist, it's the place to go if looking for an amazing dentist and fantastic staff.

  • en

    Jeffrey Fountain


    I highly recommend Dr. Frank Perry and his dentistry practice. Everyone was personable, compassionate, and courteous. Their professionalism was outstanding and I was seen on short notice. Everything was explained to me. From the first phone call, to the after care instructions. I was extremely satisfied with my experience and plan to continue using Dr Frank Perry in the future.

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