Francesca's Hair Studio en Rockville Centre

Estados UnidosFrancesca's Hair Studio



🕗 horarios

103a, North Forest Avenue, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-232-1869
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6587595, Longitude: -73.6372895

comentarios 5

  • A Allan

    A Allan


    If you're looking to change your color or need some highlights, this is the place! I've had my highlights and low lights done at top salons, beauty schools, franchises, you name it. But, I've never been complimented on my color more than after sitting with francesca. I walked into my dentist office and the dental assistant said "wow did you just get you're hair colored? Yes, why. Because you're stylist has talent. I was a stylist for 32 years and I can tell she knows what she's doing." Thank you Francesca, people love you're work and I love being you're advertisement!!!

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    Jacob libowitz


    Took my wife here before a night on the town, I have been with her to many of the "Salons" in RVC and this was the best experience! total independent non corporate vibe that young lady Francesca is very talented

  • Jessica Ryerson

    Jessica Ryerson


    Francesca cut my hair beautifully; it went from limp and lifeless to bouncy and beautiful! Her blow-out lasted 3 days!! (A miracle for a pregnant woman!) When I went into work (Upper West Side of Manhattan), after sleeping on my hair, my co-workers were so impressed they made appointments THAT day! Love, love, love Francesca and her warm, cozy, inviting salon!

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    Madelena Fitzsimons


    Francesca is awesome! She does a fantastic job every time and the shop is so friendly and peaceful! Love going here for a much needed day of beauty!

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    Info_ GroupFitPhilly


    Walked in here today not knowing what to expect but what I got was an incredible experience great prices and now I'm leaving looking beautiful I'm definitely coming back

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