Frame That Art & Gallery Ltd en Miller Place

Estados UnidosFrame That Art & Gallery Ltd


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838, New York 25A, 11764, Miller Place, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-821-5518
sitio web:
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Latitude: 40.9437119, Longitude: -72.9705717

comentarios 5

  • en

    Kenneth Vasquez


  • Joseph Hernandez

    Joseph Hernandez



  • Len Carroll

    Len Carroll


    Doesn't matter whether it's a poster or a fine painting, Reggie will find the perfect matching frame.

  • T&R Tactical

    T&R Tactical


    For The First Time in My Life I Have met a Genius in Life - Sir Andre is a True Artist But Not only In Art but In Life . It is a Honor to meet and speak with kind man . I also had a a Rare mirror Frame from the 1920s - he Repaired it and painted it - this will be passed on to my Children - with a letter behind it - that they will find when I am gone and they take it down - it will explain how and who fixed it along with my comments on this true genius of life - this is not something I have ever said about anyone - This Man I wish was speaking at Colleges all around the country . Christian john Nielsen

  • Kenneth Granieri

    Kenneth Granieri


    Reggie is a true artist, he framed many of my drawings. I was very happy with his prices and quality.

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