Fox & Hound Wine & Spirits en New Paltz

Estados UnidosFox & Hound Wine & Spirits



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271, Main Street, 12561, New Paltz, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-255-7475
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.7445628, Longitude: -74.0686309

comentarios 5

  • Cliff Rockmuller

    Cliff Rockmuller


    Fox and Hound is under new ownership. Friendly, knowledgable staff and owner Kenny is an amazing cook. They have wine tastings most Fridays accompanied by a variety of his freshly prepared dishes. He coordinates these with local growers and businesses. This is unique and is a scene unto itself. Older reviews do not represent the current store.

  • Christine Kelley

    Christine Kelley


    Under new ownership :) Great store. Great selection. Great prices. The older reviews are for the old store so be sure to visit now that it has changed hands. You will not be sorry!

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    Thomas Maguire


    I think the older reviews should be discounted. They may well have been valid at the time but there is a new owner that has completely changed the store. Lots of great wines at very reasonable prices. Wines you don't see everywhere. I don't know enough about liquor to make an informed comment

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    C Lilakos


    Great selection of domestic wines and ciders. The staff really knows their stuff. If the wine you are looking for isn't stocked, they likely will have a comparable suggestion.

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    John Lee


    18 dollars for a pint of jim beam?! Most places sell a 750ml of jim for the same price. Grossly overpriced liquors. Save yourself a lot of money and shop elsewhere. Also love the sign that says "we only look expensive", no, you ARE expensive.

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