Formal Knight Tuxedos w Deer Park

Stany ZjednoczoneFormal Knight Tuxedos



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699, Acorn Street, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-242-3618
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.761226, Longitude: -73.332111

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ix Suvanich


    Great place for personalized tux for special occasions. Ask for Bob.

  • en



  • en



    Save yourself aggravation and find another place! Great experience until we picked up the tux for my son graduating HS. Three pieces had dirty spots – the jacket, pants and the shirt. When the owner was told and shown, he said the pieces were just ironed and these are “water” spots that would dry out. Of course they did not. We ended up cleaning them ourselves. But the worst was the pants length – uneven sides!!! When shown, of course he said they were totally even, telling us that possibly my son’s hips were uneven, or he put them on unevenly at the waist… He has also shown my wife the measurement – he measured it totally even at 33 inches. My measurement had a difference of ½ inch – 33 one side, 32.5 the other. Judge yourself – look at the picture (trust me, my son’s hips were totally even). Again, we ended up taking it for alteration… I (the father) did not experience this first hand until I was returning the tux… When I asked for an explanation, of course there was nothing wrong. I asked the owner to show me that the pants had even sides, which of course he did show me. Too bad that one side was shortened by a half an inch (something that he could tell by the difference in finishing, not to mention that after the alteration, all was nicely pressed, vs. something looking like half done when we picked it up). I asked him to reimburse us for alteration, which of course did not happen… Before picking up the tux, we have also recommended this place to 4 other graduating seniors. What an embarrassment! None was happy, including a shirt that was not pressed at all (yes, it was new, but right out of the bag and on the hanger). Really bad experience at the time you want to celebrate and be happy…

  • Neil



    The best place for your wedding around new tuxedo fashions, used them for my wedding 4 years ago and recently my brother is also using them. Owner is a great guy also!!

  • Gina DeCaro

    Gina DeCaro


    I Love this Place!!!!!

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