Foodtown of Cold Spring i Cold Spring

Forenede StaterFoodtown of Cold Spring



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49, Chestnut Street, 10516, Cold Spring, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-267-7027
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.4179236, Longitude: -73.9524185

kommentar 5

  • en

    Richard Zacher


    Great selection.... prices not cheap.

  • Diana Keller

    Diana Keller


    Foodtown is always so expensive and it stinks that they are the only one close. The associates are helpful but they can be rude and tend to talk to each other too much. I have also found several expired items on the shelves so make sure you check the dates!

  • en



    If you want to go shopping here, please be ready to pay some steep prices for the groceries that you will buy here. The price for a large can of coffee is $4 more than Walmart, and overall, it is about 2X as expensive as compared to Walmart... Some of the people who work here leave a lot to be desired. This is an understatement. This past fall my Step father told the Assistant Manager that he had cancer. The assistant manager's response to my step dad was : Good , it will be good when you are dead, so I don't have to see you in my store anymore.... I complained to the Corporate office of Foodtown, and HE WASN'T FIRED....Would you like someone to talk to one of your family members in this way ???? But wait it gets better....There is a clerk who works there who has a Goatee beard that is about 7 inches long....He looks like he crawled out from under a rock... Then there is the young woman who works in the Deli. She has Blue and orange hair.... She also has Piercings in each eyebrow, multiple Piercings in her Nose, and piercings in both her lips...Also she has her tongue pierced...A VERY UNAPPETIZING SIGHT WHEN YOU ARE ORDERING COLD CUTS.

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    Dan Eils


    This little grocery store has a broader selection of quality products than many large stores. From the outside, I would never expect to find the selection of products this store offers. Great beer selection, nice chocolate selection, they stock Bread Alone sourdough, really good yogurt and milk options, lots of bottled juices, many olive oils, nice cheese/olive selection, etc etc. This would be a 5 star store if they had better produce. Items like salad greens consistently rot within a day or two of purchase, and not just in my fridge - other friends in the area have noticed this with their produce as well. Checkout staff are uniformly attentive and friendly. Prices are steep.

  • Andrea Barrow-Williams

    Andrea Barrow-Williams


    Great variety of foods including items for the health conscious shopper. Fresh seafood, sushi and organic products. Stop in often on my way home. Easy in and out parking lot.

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