FOLSOM VAPE & SMOKE w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneFOLSOM VAPE & SMOKE



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8399 Folsom Blv St 3B, Sacramento, CA 95826, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 916-386-9405
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5476959, Longitude: -121.3927923

komentarze 5

  • en

    April Crawley


    If you guys close at should stay open until 9!!! It's 845 so you should still be open..... yet, you're closed! I drove 20 minutes to you guys! 😡

  • en

    Jose Rosales


    Owner was nice and he was not pushy at all

  • Michael Erickson

    Michael Erickson


    I sincerely wish I could give zero stars as this store is unworthy of even one star. I had been researching vaporizers and wanted to get something similar to a PAX 3. I went to this shop and the Indian guy instead showed me more affordable (120$) vaporizers. Specifically, a Kingtons Black Widow. I ended up getting this model because it looked well made and he spoke very highly of it. I got home and tried it but it did not work (after I followed the user guide). Literally, nothing worked. It was showing as fully charged but nothing. I looked this vaporizer up online and lo and behold, I could have ordered this same exact model for 30$. I called the store and the Indian guy tells me, "Sorry, no refunds." So, I am out 120$ because this store elects to scam people instead of helping consumers. DO NOT GO HERE.

  • en

    Austin Leatherman


    This store is very organized. Has vape and smoke gear, especially in this area, I don't see many shops this organized. Easy to find what you need. Has very competitive pricing. And love getting my premium cigars from them. They deal with their customers very welcoming. One thing they need to change is the carpet in their shop.

  • en

    Mario Machado


    Good nice clean store! One thing I love more about this store is everything is nicely displayed that is easily visible and the gentlemen that work there are extremely helpful, respectful, and knowledgeable. They have excellent inventory on vape products and juices. I also smoke cigars and they have an excellent selection of premium cigars there that I absolutely love. Most of all I love the prices!! Great price for a great product. My friend told me about this place and when I finally came here i was amazed. Awesome store. Awesome employees. Awesome prices.

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