FM 78 Auto Center in Converse

Vereinigte StaatenFM 78 Auto Center



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8312, West Farm to Market Road 78, 78109, Converse, Bexar County, US USA
kontakte telefon: +1 210-661-2413
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 29.496187, Longitude: -98.324946

kommentare 5

  • Sonja Salinas

    Sonja Salinas


    Just called and the lady sounded upset that she even had to answer the phone. Website says they close at 5:30. They were shut down by 4:40.

  • en

    Al Vette


    customer service is top quality...just not the welding. had my exhaust welded - looks like was done in a high school shop. many holes, and just poor quality welds. charged me 150$ for the work. now i need to have the weld job fixed which will cost me about 200+$. dont know quality of other work, but i would pass on having anything welded by them.

  • Aaron Pursell

    Aaron Pursell


    Quick and fast. Always does great work. Make sure you show up early if you want to get squeezed in as they are pretty busy.

  • en

    daun kownatzki


    Great service, reasonably priced. They are upfront and honest with you on what's wrong with your vehicle they're not going to jerk you around and they're going to get the work done in a quick timely fashion. Me and my family have been going to them for little over 20 years. I highly recommend them they work on all vehicles.

  • en

    Lizzy Boone


    Absolutely the worst mechanic shop I have seen. Took my vehicle in for a simple spark plug fix. Picked it up the next day with my engine light on as well as my vehicle shaking. Took it back for the to fix the issue. Had it 2 days and did nothing to it and also drove my vehicle around! Will be contacting my lawyer.. Please do not take your vehicle to these people unless you want more problems..

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