Flowerfield Celebrations i Saint James

Forenede StaterFlowerfield Celebrations



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199, Mills Pond Road, 11780, Saint James, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-862-0100
internet side: www.flowerfield.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.8975302, Longitude: -73.1464577

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fran Volz


    Couldn't have asked for a more wonderful place for my daughter's Sweet 16. The food was FANTASTIC. The atmosphere is the most beautiful you will ever see at any venue that you will go to. Would recommend this locale to any bride for a most wonderous wedding. When my daughter gets married in the very far future, I hope that Flowerfields will still be there because that's where her wedding will be!

  • Pat B

    Pat B


    Beautiful location to host a party. Cocktail hour was beautifully set up. Food in dining hall was ok. Service was good. Atmosphere was awesome. The cocktail hour room is my favorite! There are beautiful plants and trees and there is a pond with fish with a bridge going over it.

  • en

    Lori Ellis


    Amazing, attention to detail, caring, stunning.. Made my daughters bat mitzvah a magical day

  • F. Willis

    F. Willis


    I attended a very special wedding reception there, in the month of December. This place was "beautiful" inside! The ambiance was relaxing. The hosts & workers were courteous as well as friendly and patient and the appetizers were delicious. I hadn't had the pleasure of tasting foods from their menu so I cannot comment on that but I'm sure it would've been delicious as well. Flowerfield would be an excellent place for any event.

  • Thomas Graffeo

    Thomas Graffeo


    I got married there in 05. They still have a top-notch staff very organized very adaptable if it rains. The same gentleman that did my wedding was also there when I attended a wedding this past Sunday fantastic food atmosphere and a memorable event for anything you may have there

nærmeste Mad

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