Florell Salon i Valhalla

Forenede StaterFlorell Salon



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4, Broadway, 10595, Valhalla, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-358-4310
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 41.0733165, Longitude: -73.7715746

kommentar 5

  • Catherine O'Malley

    Catherine O'Malley


  • Sareen O'kennedy

    Sareen O'kennedy


    Love my hair. Fast but great service, perfect if you need to get your hair done on lunch break, I got half head of highlights, wash cut and blow dry in a hour and I love it. Will definitely return.

  • en

    Alisa Koysman


    Beautiful haircut, lovely owner, fast. I will certainly be back.

  • en

    smruti namjoshi


    Very disappointed.I had booked a Groupon for this salon. First the lady goofs up the appointment. When I reached ..even before I sat down she tells me to pay $20 extra for colour (my hair is just shoulder length) I had to agree because I have already spent money on cab to get there. Then she goes on to mix color. I wanted a lighter shade but she insists how she is always right about the color . Then after shampoo she puts on conditioner in my hair for 5 min. ( no heat) calls it a mask. No deep conditioning. Then cuts my hair like Iam a mannequin with a wig. Very average haircut. She does blow dry very well to make the end product look good. I didn't achieve much for $80 that I spent there. Not worth at all.

  • Michele M

    Michele M


    Florella gave me a great cut and color! Convenient free parking and right off the parkway. Closed Sunday and Monday.

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