FlexFit Physical Therapy w Sayreville

Stany ZjednoczoneFlexFit Physical Therapy



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776, Jernee Mill Road, 08872, Sayreville, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-680-2151
strona internetowej: flexfitdpt.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4302317, Longitude: -74.3431219

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vinnie Gambardella


    I highly recommend Jamie. She is the absolute best in her field!! I would know, this is my 4th ACL surgery. If you’re questioning where to get PT you should most certainly give Jamie a call!

  • en

    Mike DeMeo


    By far the best physical therapist I’ve ever worked with. Had nagging hip, knee, back and ankle pains for several years. I didn’t see Jamie until it got really bad after a workout one day and she almost immediately spotted the cause of the problem, which was my flat feet and poor posture. After working with her for not very long at all and using the advice she gave the issue was gone within a month. Thank you Flexfit for helping me continue to train pain free!!

  • en

    Dennis Long


    I have recently used FlexFit Physical Therapy while in preparation for the 2018 NFL Draft. Dr. Phillips helped me with preventative care, along with rehab for an ankle sprain. Dr. Phillips knowledge is unmatched along with her facilities. I highly recommend FlexFit Physical Therapy for all needs!

  • en

    Daniela Gramuglia


    There are so many things I can say about Jamie and Flexfit, and I will start with RUN DON’T WALK into her office. She is not only professional, but so welcoming. The minute you walk into her office she makes you feel so comfortable and takes the time to get to know you and your history. (how long you have been in pain, how often you exercise, positions of sleep, etc.) On my first visit she spent over an hour and a half with me and sent me a plan within the hour of me leaving. She is also a miracle worker. I was having terrible hip pain due to weight lifting and she had me up and running in no time. Her hours are flexible as well which is a nice change to other facilities. Do yourself a huge favor and go see her! Best decision ever!

  • Stephen Samra

    Stephen Samra


    Highly recommend. Jamie really helped me throughout my recovery from ACL surgery and I don’t know where I would be in this long process without her. If you need any kind of physical therapy, this is the place to go!

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