Flex Physical Therapy w Little Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneFlex Physical Therapy



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333, Main Street, 07424, Little Falls, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-812-8000
strona internetowej: www.flexptnj.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.884828, Longitude: -74.238415

komentarze 5

  • Heather Dixon

    Heather Dixon


    First time in physical therapy, I was very nervous about what to expect. The entire staff at Flex made my recovery (and experience) an easy, comfortable, and fun. Lu was very helpful and accommodating with any questions about being a new patient and what to expect. Marissa, the Aide, made sure I completely understood new exercises to ensure I was doing them right with no movement wasted without progression. She makes you feel at home The entire session. The PT Steven was knowledgeable and caring. He made a treatment plan based on my capabilities and time lines. He was always willing to push me when I wanted to give up, but knew when I had reached my limits. I could not have asked for a better atmosphere or PT.

  • Jenna D

    Jenna D


    This review is from Carmel N. If your body is hurting do not hesitate and take it as soon as possible to Flex Physical Therapy. The staff is friendly and supportive. The will create a individualized plan. I worked with Dr. Steve Hennigan who was wonderful. At 85 years of age I could barely walk. I have improved greatly which is significant given my age. My mobility is greatly improved. Once therapy was completed I participated in the step down program which allowed me continued progress.

  • en

    Miguel Morales


    For 3 months I had a shooting pain going down my arm, it was so painful that I decided to go see a Chiropractor whom has helped me in the past but this time the pain was not going away. I decided to see my Orthopedic who found I had 4 discs in my neck that were inflame and pinching the nerve causing the excruciating pain that I was experiencing. My doctor recommended surgery or injections with a 50/50 chance of full recovery, and he also recommended that I go to physical therapy and that’s when I went to Flex Physical Therapy. This was the best decision I have made, Dr. Steven Hennigan has been excellent with his treatments, he and his staff are very professional but also very caring and friendly. By going to Flex Physical Therapy I am 100 % better and my life is back to normal without the surgery or injection.

  • en

    mary webster


    I am pleased to compliment Flex Physical Therapy for its ambience and talented staff. This facility as compared to others provides individual attention and excellent treatment plans. Additionally, their staff is very knowledgeable.

  • Lylia Hormaza

    Lylia Hormaza


    Flex Physical Therapy quickly became a second home to me. As a high school athlete, my knee injury hurt both physically and mentally. I felt terrified at the thought of having to go to therapy for my knees. I cannot thank my mother enough for choosing Flex PT; I went from being scared of weekly therapy, to looking forward to it. From the moment I walked in their door, the positive energy was just contagious. At first, it was frustrating trying to figure out what approach to take for me to improve. But Dr. Steven Hennigan, my therapist, was persistent until we found the right path towards my recovery. Although my journey at Flex was long, I cannot recall a day where I left the facility without a smile on my face. Every day was filled with both hard work and joy. I can proudly say I have met my recovery goals thanks to the dedication at Flex.

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