Flaming Grill & Supreme Buffet w West Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneFlaming Grill & Supreme Buffet



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527, Montauk Highway, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-620-3688
strona internetowej: www.flaminggrillny.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6895103, Longitude: -73.341983

komentarze 5

  • en

    Indy pad


    Food is very very good. Waiters are super nice. Only negative is the man at the habachi grill when you give him your plate you want cooked he seems to be bother by you. Overall its good. I recommend this buffet.

  • en

    Bill Borkofsky


    We've been here many times; at first the food was good. Then it declined. We were there the other night and it was much better than previous times. Will return.

  • en

    Jason Feldman


    Quick service but didn’t give us any water until we asked. Large amount of selection. The large sake is very generous but not that good. Beer is fairly priced. Hibachi was quick. Just overall though none of the food was that good. 1.5 to 2 stars on taste. But elegance, decorum being clean and quick service brings it up to Three.

  • Barry Maltese

    Barry Maltese


    Although it looks like a big Cafeteria when you first walk in, there are many Private seating areas, that give you a sense of calm and Privacy. . . . and the Food selection is VAST, and filled with variety. From Kids menu items to a great assortment of grown-up favorites, this all-you-can-eat buffet offers you everything from Italian Food to Chinese Food, and many other things thrown in - Not to forget the great desert bar, too. . . . . and all this for an EXTREMELY reasonable price. I look forward to the next time I can go there. It was a very enjoyable meal.




    This was our second visit to this buffet. We normally go out to eat here while we are visiting our family in bay shore. Great food that is always stocked. One suggestion I'd make is to put some salt on the crab legs because they don't taste very good. They have a chocolate fountain which the kids love and multiple deserts to choose from. There's a Hibachi grill and a sushi bar. This place can be reserved for parties if needed. The prices are good considering g what they offer and they don't charge you extra for seafood like some places I've seen. Overall I'd recommend this buffet to anyone who loves Chinese food at a great price.

najbliższy Bar

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