Five Guys w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneFive Guys



🕗 godziny otwarcia

815, Hutchinson River Parkway, 10465, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 929-324-6301
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8238302, Longitude: -73.8382672

komentarze 5

  • Louie V

    Louie V


    I love this place but lately they have been falling off a bit . One order they added bacon and i never ordered bacon the next time I went I ordered a double cheeseburger with grilled onions pickles and light mayo and they gave me a double with just ketchup. Smh dont think I'll go back

  • en

    Anthony Perez


    Worst five guys ever! Burnt burger forgot my cheese on a cheese burger nasty fries . Spent 20 dollars for an Incorrect order smh . They messed up my order 3 times back to back on separate ocasions . I will never spend another dollar here!

  • Latoya Robinson

    Latoya Robinson


    I asked for a bun less burger I just wanted a Little lettuce ( like what I’m use to in every other five guys I’ve been to) but they wrapped my burger in all this soggy lettuce. I asked for Cajun seasoning on my fries and they didn’t put it smh they need to do better.

  • Salvador Bobadilla

    Salvador Bobadilla


    As a customer I expect great service with a welcoming attitude. Today I didn't get that from the cashier that took my order and I felt like I was not wanted at this place. It was uncomfortable and the only reason I didn't walk out it's because I love the burgers.

  • Ricky Justiniano

    Ricky Justiniano


    This place always closes 20 minutes before its scheduled closing time of 10 pm which is unfortunate since my ride here after school normally gets me here at 9:40... I think the staff here is cool and the food is awesome I just wish they would stick by the posted hours. It sucked seeing a fresh basket of fries ready to be dipped in that amazing peanut oil but being told that they are closed :/

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