Firestone Complete Auto Care w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneFirestone Complete Auto Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6618, Charlotte Pike, 37209, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-823-6143
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.137813, Longitude: -86.882992

komentarze 5

  • Kelsi Feriend

    Kelsi Feriend


    I called at the end of the day to see if they could get me in to patch my tire, they did, and didn't charge me for the service. I'd been having an incredibly stressful week, and their kindness and efficiency was more of a help than they could have known.

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    Doug Burgess


    Was in a real pinch with a family member in the Vandy Hospital... these guys saw to it that I got in and out very quickly. A fine Firestone store

  • Daniel Harris

    Daniel Harris


    Had a terrible weekend, wrecked my work van in the Ice on Hwy 40 and then it later started shaking at 41mph. They looked at the van and the problem was 1.5 lbs of mud caked to the tire. They didn’t try to upsell and diagnose something expensive. They cleaned off the tires and and didn’t charge me anything. Great service from all, Honest, and a place you can trust. Recommend this Firestone for an awesome job and great & knowledgeable service!

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    Kristi Lecroix


    If your tired of the “bait & switch “ this IS the place you need to go for all your tire needs!! This week group of guys are honest, friendly , with a ton of experience. Mike goes out of his way from the time he answers the phone, when you drop off and again at pick up and pay. They will make you feel like your money was well spent. and I guarantee you’ll go back next time and the same freidly faces will be there. I don’t normally write reviews but this place has set the standards for excellent customer satisfaction in my book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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    Ben and Amy


    Took my car in this morning for a new pair of tires after 34,000 miles. Facility, Staff and Service were excellent! Car was ready on time too! Having my 15 month old in tow, they had a great kids area that entertained my daughter the entire time. Thanks Firestone! We will be back!

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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