Firestone Complete Auto Care en Newburgh

Estados UnidosFirestone Complete Auto Care



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41, North Plank Road, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-764-8950
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.5222289, Longitude: -74.0286467

comentarios 5

  • en

    Vinnie Dominick


    Quinn is awesome got me right in and out Ray is great also

  • Pamela Francis

    Pamela Francis


    It was a VERY long wait however I had no appointment. You can get groceries, mani,pedi, eat while you wait.

  • en

    Danielle Hughes


    Wait time for just an inspection was over a hour, was also uncharged 300$ for a piece of my car that back home in CT was fixed for normal price. Would not recommend.

  • Solina Martinez

    Solina Martinez


    Great people here who care without a doubt about their customers. The day can be very busy but they have love for their customers and show it . I can't think of any other place i rather come to then to Firestone in Newburgh New York. You need tires and want it done right n be alright afterwards come here the coverage on tires is great and im just thankful i come here.

  • Gene Reda II

    Gene Reda II


    We hit a nail on our drive home on a Saturday afternoon and the tire pressure sensor went on; luckily this location was open so we stopped in to have things checked out. The guys at the front desk and in the garage were all great, and they took the car in right away. They discovered a nail but there was no leak (awesome news). Better yet, because they didn't need to do a leak repair, they didn't even charge us to remove the nail. The whole process took about 20 minutes.

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