Firestone Complete Auto Care i Fort Worth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterFirestone Complete Auto Care



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3320, South Cherry Lane, 76116, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-717-2920
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7235525, Longitude: -97.4513953

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Hand


    Use to be good customer service, but not any more! I will never use a firestone store again! This location or any other. Last two times I’ve been to different stores. They just don’t care to be helpful or explain. Then try to treat you like an idiot!

  • en

    demetrius bell


    Horrible customer service, almost put the wrong amount of oil in my engine, and argued me down when I told them correct amount. They will try to hold you there for hours on a beautiful day. Very childish. Overpriced. I would recommend the Firestone on Oakmont/Bryant Irving

  • Ongelic Hill

    Ongelic Hill


    My visit was quick and painless. I popped a tire and needed a new one. Left with a new tire, warranty for all four tires, and a sense of relief.

  • Loretta Eagles

    Loretta Eagles


    I had to come in here for a vehicle inspection, was in the process of transferring plates from out of state to Texas. Wonderful guys, answered all my questions even though they had nothing to do with the inspection!!! Business was clean and quiet. Small waiting area with seating, reading material, a functioning coffee maker, and television too! Will come back!

  • Tony Curtis

    Tony Curtis


    Great experience, had a screw in a tire and swing by to get it fixed. Got right in and out and was no charge.

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